by Ngoc
August 16, 2021

Mobile commerce: Definition, stats & trends with examples in 2021

M-commerce, or mobile commerce, refers to shopping using a mobile device (usually a smartphone), whereas e-commerce refers to shopping via a computer. In 2021, mobile commerce is expected to increase at the fastest rate (12.2 percent), beating both traditional ecommerce and in-store shopping. Moreover, the predicted 292 million people who will own their own mobile devices by 2024 are driving this trend. And 187.5 million of them are expected to shop using their smartphones. It’s no surprise that by 2025, worldwide consumer mobile expenditure is predicted to reach $270 billion. Are you working in the Payments & Commerce services industry? So you should not miss this article. Because in this blog, ArrowTheme will show you Definition, stats, examples of Mobile commerce and mobile commerce trends in 2021. Thus, let’s explore. 

What is Mobile commerce?

M-commerce (mobile commerce) refers to the purchase and sale of products and services using wireless handheld devices like smartphones and tablets. Furthermore, Mobile commerce is a type of e-commerce that allows consumers to shop online without using a computer. In-app purchase, mobile payments, virtual marketplace apps like the Amazon mobile app, and digital wallets like Android Pay,  Samsung Pay and Apple Pay are all examples of M-commerce. 

Examples of Mobile commerce

People can conduct business, make transactions, and analyze financial data while on the road with mobile commerce. Individuals can only do business in person or via a landline telephone at one time. These limits have been removed thanks to mobile devices such as smart phones and PDAs. Therefore, it’s not difficult to identify examples of mobile commerce in everyday life.

Mobile Banking

Mobile banking is a popular type of mobile commerce. Because it allows customers to check current bank account balances from any location. In addition, many banks offer a free text message. Therefore it allows users to check the balance. Furthermore, Smartphone apps provide alerts when funds are running low and allow users to send money without having to go to the bank.

Mobile purchasing

Customers can shop on their smartphones in the same way they would on a PC. Besides that, customers can buy things via a mobile Web browser or one of the many apps available for download from online shops. For example, TextBuyIt, an Amazon service that allows shoppers to check out using text messaging. Moreover, iPhone users may use the Starbucks Card Mobile App to pay for coffee at more than 1,000 Starbucks stores without having to dig through their wallets or handbags.

When mobile wallets and credit cards become more popular, internet giants such as Google and Apple are gaining traction in the payments market.

Google Pay 

Google Pay has been updated for Android and iOS users, and now covers bank and savings accounts thanks to a partnership with Citi and Stanford Federal Credit Union. The improved Google Pay app’s focus on money management tools could be a significant customer acquisition benefit.

Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay may be customized to other markets as a mobile wallet and online buy button. Therefore, it allows the company to build an audience around a payment tool.

Mobile Investment

Because the stock market is continuously changing, investors frequently perform trades and check stock prices using their mobile phones. Furthermore, many smartphones come with stock-tracking programs preinstalled. Additional functionality is provided by third-party applications. Therefore, a stock broker is simply a phone call away when it comes to purchasing or selling shares.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile commerce

Advantages of mobile commerce

  • Increased customer retention by making it more accessible.
  • Customers will be able to compare pricing, read reviews, and make purchases without having to use a desktop computer.
  • A wider range of products and services are available.
  • Automates a company’s customer contact and sales points.

Disadvantages of mobile commerce

  • Customers may be discouraged from making purchases if the mobile experience is badly implemented.
  • Mobile payment alternatives are not available in every geographic location. Moreover, some digital wallets may not be supported.
  • Businesses must be aware of and follow to the tax laws and regulations of every countries to which they export 

M-commerce Statistics

According to Insider Intelligence, Mobile commerce volume will grow at a 25.5 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2019 to $488.0 billion in 2024, accounting for 44 percent of all e-commerce. Smartphones and tablets are the two main gadgets driving the  Mobile commerce revolution.

Despite poor conversion rates with having to check out on a small screen, smartphones have been the main driver in Mobile commerce growth. In 2024, US volume is expected to rise from $128.4 billion in 2019 to $418.9 billion.

Using tablets that are smaller than using smartphone Mobile commerce volume. However, it still plays a significant role in Mobile commerce’s success. According to Business Insider Intelligence, tablet spending will reach $29 billion in 2019, rising to $69 billion in 2024, representing an 18.9% compound annual growth rate.

Mobile commerce trends in 2021

Progressive Web Apps

PWAs, or Progressive Web Apps, are one of the most important mobile commerce trends in the e-commerce business. Online retailers are constantly attempting to increase profits and improve the client experience in their online stores. For the past few years, brands have already designed their websites with smartphones in mind. Besides that, the development and launch of native mobile apps can be costly. Therefore, more brands will use this mobile commerce trend to give a better, faster mobile experience while still using a browser.

Apps for Shopping on Mobile

The increased use of mobile apps for shopping  is one of the most important mobile commerce developments. Consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices to make online purchases. In 2021, you should have a mobile-friendly website. However, having a mobile-friendly e-commerce site is no longer enough to succeed in this market. The year 2021 will be remembered as the year of mobile shopping apps. 

Additionally, more than half of US buyers used a mobile app to make their purchase rather than using a Web browser. 

Moreover, Mobile apps and mobile sites can be accessed from a variety of devices by online customers. Mobile devices divided into two types: smartphones and tablets. Smartphones will generate $221.2 billion in mobile commerce sales by the end of 2021, compared to $41.8 billion for tablets. Because tablet sales are down, smartphone sales are increasing. However, these are the devices that customers use to shop on the internet.

One-Click Ordering 

Another one of the mobile commerce trends to look for in 2021 is online ordering! In 2021, the trend to mobile apps for purchasing will make the checkout procedure easier. Historically, placing an order online required a lot of information from the customer.

Consumers must supply a lot of personal information to complete transactions on an e-commerce store:

  • Name of the customer 
  • Credit card number
  • Expiration of your credit card
  • Number for card verification
  • Address for delivery
  • Email address 

Therefore, Shopping carts on mobile sites has abandoned rate of 97 percent. Mobile apps, on the other hand, only have a 20% abandonment rate. Because customers can finish the entire purchasing process using this mobile commerce trend.

Social Commerce

Customers have a much more direct way of buying items they see on social media thanks to shoppable Facebook pages and Instagram shoppable posts. Instead of having to open a new browser, visit your website, and search for the product on their own, customers may simply click on the product to buy it. 

In 2021, more brands will collaborate with social media sites for advertising and to integrate e-commerce transactions. Consumers can scroll, purchase, and contact their friends and preferred brands. Moreover, shop owners will invest more in social apps that allow them to do e-commerce transactions.

Voice Shopping

One of the mobile commerce developments that many online store owners miss is voice shopping. Voice search will have entered the e-commerce business by 2021. By 2022, voice shopping will be worth $40 billion. Because 40% of adults use voice search at least once a day, this increase will have a big influence on mobile commerce. On mobile devices, voice search made up 20% of all searches. There are51% of people use the voice commands to conduct product research. Voice search is used by 22% of individuals to make purchases.

To begin, make sure your website is voice search optimized. However, it will be great if you planned to make your mobile app voice-friendly as well. Voice search and voice help are available on mobile devices even if the user does not own a smart speaker.

Mobile Chatbots

On the website, you might already be using chatbot technology. It’s one of the most effective ways to deliver customer care, and its popularity is growing. Currently, most apps on the market do not include chatbots, but this will change in 2021. When customers go to an online store, it’s not uncommon for them to require assistance. Furthermore, if a chatbot saves them time, more than half of online customers will select it over a human representative. As a result, many e-commerce websites already include this feature.

Getting queries or problems answered as soon as possible will improve the client experience. Mobile commerce chatbots will continue to gain in popularity in the future. As a result, this mobile commerce trend will be one of the most important mobile commerce trends in 2021.

Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual Reality(VR)

For a long time, the terms virtual reality and augmented reality have became common words in the tech world. AR is already being used in mobile shopping apps to boost the client buying experience.

Some brands attempt to provide consumers a view into how an item would suit. Augmented Reality (AR) has grown in popularity. Assume you have an e-commerce store where you sell clothing. You can utilize AR to measure customers and recommend the best match with a retail mobile app. For example, Many Amazon products include the “See how it looks” option. Therefore, customers can scan an area in their home with their mobile devices. 

This technology has a lot of opportunities, which makes it one of the most interesting mobile commerce trends for 2021. Consider the possibilities!

Mobile Payments

Mobile wallets have grown in popularity over the last few years. This is true for both in-store and online transactions.

When shopping via a mobile retail app, customers can use mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Alipay to pay. It’s a convenient, safe, and secure method of shopping for them.

This is one of the m – commerce trends you need to consider in 2021 if you own an online store. 

Mobile Fraud

Cybercrime has become a big problem in recent years. Consumers are hesitant to give personal information to third parties who do not have a well-established reputation as a trustworthy brand. 

For smaller e-commerce businesses, a lack of consumer trust can be a challenge. Assume you’re selling items that are identical to well-known brands. In that situation, a buyer may feel more at ease purchasing from a well-known brand. As a result, every e-commerce shop must protect itself from fraud across all channels, including mobile devices.

Therefore, apps are also more secure. As I mentioned above, customers do not have to manually type their payment details for each purchase. To prevent customer and payment data from a possible attack, an app can securely store it.

In comparison to a mobile browser, a mobile app is more safe. As a result, using mobile apps will be one of the most important mobile commerce trends in 2021.


When completely reading all this blog, you are able to update your online stores to drive more traffic. Moreover, if you have any questions about your updating process, you can CONTACT US. Besides that, you feel it is difficult to start a trendy online store. So don’t worry. Because ArrowTheme experts are always to support you in your Shopify Packages. Furthermore, if you want your store to become more stunning, don’t forget to click HERE to see the awesome themes for your online stores.

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