by admin
December 31, 2021

How to manage and view Woocommerce order status

Continuing the series of articles about WordPress tutorials is a post about Woocommerce order status. When a customer completes the checkout process, orders will be created successfully. And only users with the Admin and Shop Manager roles have access to them. Besides, a unique Order ID is assigned to each order. In order to dig down further into this topic, Arrowtheme will instruct you how to manage and view Woocommerce order status through this article below. Hence, let’s explore with us right now! 

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How to manage Woocommerce order status?

Order Status

A status is also assigned to an order. Order statuses range from “Pending payment” to “Completed,” and indicate how far along the order will arrive. When it comes to the order statuses, there are options below: 

  • Pending payment: refers to the status that order received, but no payment has been initiated.
  • Failed: dedicates that payment failed or was denied (unpaid), or authentication is required (SCA). Bear in mind that this status may not appear right away and will instead appear as Pending until it is validated. 
  • Processing: is the status that payment has been received (paid), and stock has been lowered; the order is being processed. Except for orders including just Virtual and Downloadable products, all product orders must be processed. 
  • Completed: Order has been fulfilled and is complete, in addition, no further action is required. 
  • On hold: this is the status that stock has been lowered, but payment must be confirmed.
  • Canceled: The order is canceled by an administrator or a client, stock has been increased and no further action is necessary. 
  • Refunded: A refund has been issued by an administrator and no further action is necessary.
  • Authentication required: This is the status waiting for the customer to confirm the transaction and/or complete the SCA criteria. 

How to manage and view Woocommerce order status?

Overview of Orders

The Orders management page will fill up as soon as a shop starts taking orders. Besides, each row has a number of details. Some are pre-installed, while others can be added. The following are the choices: 

  • Order number and customer name
  • Date of purchase
  • Order status
  • Purchase total
  • Billing address
  • Shipping address
  • Actions.
woocommerce order status

In order to change these columns, you must first go to WooCommerce >> Orders. Then, let’s select Screen Options in the top right corner. After that, you need to choose which Columns to show. To continue, you have to choose the amount of items you want to be displayed on each page. Finally, don’t forget to click the Apply option.  

view woocommerce order status

How to filter and arrange Woocommerce Orders? 

Orders can be filtered by date (such as: month/year) or registered client.

Following that, you need to choose a month or look for a specific consumer. Then, let’s select the Filter option. 

How to filter and arrange Woocommerce Order

Moreover, you can select the heading to sort orders in ascending or descending order by Order number, Date, or Total.   

You should keep in mind that the reimbursed money isn’t included in the “Total” column. 

manage and view Woocommerce order status

What’s more, to access the Single Order page, you have to click the order number and customer name. From there, you are able to edit order data, update status, and add notes.

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Searching and Finding Woocommerce Orders

In addition, the search box at the top right of the order list can be used to locate orders. You need to enter an order number, a customer’s name, or any other information from the order list, such as the customer’s address. Hence, the search results will reveal a list of matching orders in case you click Search orders or press return on your keyboard.

How to preview Orders?

Searching and Finding Woocommerce Orders

The order number, order status, billing information, payment method, shipment information, shipping method, items ordered, and the opportunity to amend the order status are all displayed if you click the Preview option. 

Order Statuses in the Overview 

Order statuses in the Overview are shown in color as well as it is descriptive. They are displayed respectively as below:

  • Canceled – Grey
  • Completed – Blue
  • Failed – Red
  • On Hold – Orange
  • Pending Payment – Grey
  • Processing – Green
  • Refunded – Grey

How to view and edit a Single Order?

You can not only read but also edit and amend order data from the Single Order page. 

  • Change the status of the order. 
  • Modify the goods, pricing, and taxes for order items. 
  • Stock – Deplete and replenish an order’s stock. 
  • Order Actions – Email customer order data (it is extremely useful if you are manually creating orders for your consumers) or Permissions for downloading should be regenerated. 
  • Besides, make changes to the product Meta to remove and add meta to change product variations.
  • Additionally, you are able to make use of coupons. In order to apply the promo code to the order, you will need to know it. Plus, coupon usage is logged, and discounts can be deleted from orders at any time. You must bear in mind that for coupons to work, the order must be unpaid.
  • Charge a fee: For more details, you can add a fee to an order by entering an amount or a percentage. Alternatively, negative fees will distribute taxes evenly across all other goods in the cart and will not cause the total to drop below zero. 

Order Details

Viewing Order Information

You can see the following information in the Order Details panel:

  • Number of the order
  • Payment information
  • Date and time of the order
  • Order status
  • Customer information, including: Username and email, as well as a link to their profile and any previous transactions they may have made in the past, Billing information and Shipping information. 

Editing Order details

Best of all, the majority of the information in this section can be changed or updated.

  • First and foremost, you can use the dropdown date selector and the quantity selectors for the time to adjust the date and time.
  • Secondly, to alter the status, you should select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu.
  • Thirdly, if you want to switch customers, you must first choose the current client and then search for a new one.

Next, you are able to alter several other details under “Billing” and “Shipping”. Following that, let’s choose the pencil icon next to each of them to do this.

  • These items can be altered under “Billing” such as: Billing address,  Email, Phone number, Payment method and details.
  • In terms of “Shipping”, you can edit these things: Shipping address and Customer provided note.
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After making the necessary changes, don’t forget to select Update in order to update the Woocommerce order.

Woocommerce Order Items and Totals

How to view Order items?

The Order Items panel is the following panel on the order page. In fact, this section includes the product items, shipping information, and an order summary. 

Besides, each product item row contains the information such as: Product image, Product name, Single product Cost, Total , Quantity and Taxes.

In addition, the shipping information is listed below that. This will come with the details such as: Shipping method, Boxed items, Total cost and Taxes. 

Furthermore, the overview of the order costs is the final section. If an order is refunded, this section will be updated. By default, it will include the following: 

  • Subtotal of items: cost not including tax 
  • Coupon(s): the amount removed depending on the use of coupons; the coupons used are listed on the left side of the page.
  • Moreover, Shipping is the cost of the order.
  • Taxes: the total amount of taxes due, this will be replaced by the tax code that will be applied to the order.
  • Order total: this is equal to the sum of the above costs.
  • Finally, you will see a summary of what is paid and the fees charged by payment gateways that are provided below the line.  
how to view Woocommerce order status

How to edit or add Order items? 

In fact, Woocommerce order status cannot be altered, except for refunds, unless the order status is “Pending payment” or “On hold”

With Product items, you must click the pencil icon next to it in order to update a product line.

How to edit or add Order items

Best of all, editing is possible for the following product items:

  • Add Meta
  • Quantity 
  • Total
  • Tax

Addition, at the bottom of this window, you have four options, as you can see the following screen:

view Woocommerce order status

#1. Add Item(s)

  • First of all, Add product(s): it allows you to add more items to the order.
  • Secondly, Add fee: Add an extra charge, such as for gift wrapping.
  • Thirdly, Add shipping: It enables you to include a shipping cost in your order. After that, you must pick the pencil icon to make changes to the name, method, cost, and tax. 
  • What’s more, Add tax: To each portion of the order, you can add a new tax code.
  • Cancel: If you don’t want to make any changes, you can click this button.
  • Save: After you have made your modifications, don’t forget to save them.

#2. Recalculate

If you want to automatically perform new calculations depending on shop settings, you can select Recalculate after doing this. In particular, if you are adding or removing products, coupons, shipping options, and so forth, this can come in handy. Plus, any tax modifications you’ve made manually will be deleted. This is because your store’s tax settings will apply based on the customer’s address.

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#3. Apply coupon

Selecting this option will open a modal that allows you to apply a promo code if your customer forgot to add it or if you want to reward them before they pay.

#4. Refund

It refers to the process of returning money to a consumer. 

Custom Fields

You are able to utilize the Custom Fields metabox in order to add custom meta fields.

custom fields

Order Notes

The Order Notes panel shows notes that have been connected to the order. Besides, it can be used to store event details such as payment outcomes or stock level reductions, or to add notes to the order for consumers to see. In addition, some payment gateways additionally include debugging notes. In this section, there are a variety of note types to choose from:

  • Purple: Notifications about system status, such as payment gateway information.
  • Grey: Status changes or private remarks are examples of general status updates. Besides, customers do not see these messages. However, they may be notified of them via email, for example, when the status changes from processing to completion.
  • Blue: Customers receive remarks via email, but they can also access them in their My account area by browsing an order.

In general, notes are an effective way to communicate with consumers and other store managers. Best of all, your customers are automatically notified when you add a customer note.

order notes

Let’s follow the steps below if you want to add a note:

To begin, you have to use the textarea to add the content of the note. Then, you need to choose Private note or Note to customer in the dropdown. Finally, let’s click the Add option to finish. 

How to add an order manually? 

In case you wish to place an order, let’s follow these steps:

First and foremost, you must go to WooCommerce >> Orders to get started. Then, at the top of the page, you have to click Add New. As a result, the page for a single order will appear. After that, customer information is entered, line items are added, coupons are applied, fees are applied, and totals are calculated. In fact, these are identical to the Editing or Adding Order Items. To continue, you have to set a status for the new order, such as “Pending payment” if it has to be paid. Finally, remember to click Save to complete. 

Alternatively, email order data and payment instructions to the customer by using the Order Actions menu. 

How to add an order manually

Wrapping up

In conclusion, as you can see, managing as well as viewing Woocommerce order status can be done easily with some simple steps. If our tutorials are not useful for you, let’s contact us instantly. Then, we will surely connect with you as soon as possible to solve it for you. In addition, you can also refer to our Woocommerce Website Packages to get the best consultancy. Let’s take advantage of gaining a discount program that gets upto 30% off for every of our WordPress services right away by simply CONTACT US.

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