by Sally
April 9, 2024

AI Customer Support Software: 5+ Best AI Tools

Do you want to boost your customer support?

Customer service is getting a high-tech upgrade! Thanks to amazing new technology (like AI), businesses can now offer even better support to their customers.

In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best AI customer support software options for 2024. Whether you’re looking to improve your customer support or just curious about AI, this list will help you pick the right tool for the job!

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What is AI Customer Support Software?

What Is AI Customer Support Software
What Is AI Customer Support Software

AI customer support software is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to improve customer service interactions. This software uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand customer inquiries, machine learning (ML) to continuously improve its responses, and generative AI to create more interactive and dynamic customer experiences.

By handling routine tasks and inquiries, AI customer support software frees up human agents to focus on complex issues and provide a more personalized touch when needed. This improves overall customer satisfaction while reducing the burden on customer support teams.

AI customer service software can be a great way to improve customer service by providing 24/7 support and automating repetitive tasks. 

Benefits of AI for Customer Support Software

Benefits of AI for Customer Support Software

AI is rapidly transforming the customer support landscape. Here’s a breakdown of the key benefits businesses can reap by integrating AI into their customer support software:

Increased Efficiency and Reduced Costs:

  • 24/7 Availability: AI chatbots and virtual assistants can handle customer inquiries around the clock, freeing up human agents for more complex issues. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also reduces reliance on overtime or additional staff during peak hours.
  • Automated Tasks: Repetitive tasks like password resets or order tracking can be automated by AI, saving agents significant time and allowing them to focus on higher-value interactions.
  • Improved Agent Productivity: AI can suggest relevant knowledge base articles, automate ticket routing, and even provide real-time coaching during interactions. This empowers agents to resolve issues faster and with greater accuracy.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

  • Faster Resolution Times: By automating simple inquiries and providing immediate support through chatbots, AI significantly reduces wait times for customers. This faster resolution leads to higher customer satisfaction and reduces frustration.
  • Personalized Interactions: AI can analyze customer data to personalize support experiences. This includes suggesting relevant products or services, tailoring responses to individual needs, and proactively offering assistance based on past interactions.
  • Multilingual Support: AI-powered chatbots can translate conversations in real time, allowing businesses to offer seamless support to a global audience without language barriers.

Improved Decision Making:

  • Data-Driven Insights: AI can analyze vast amounts of customer data to identify trends, common pain points, and areas for improvement. These insights empower businesses to make data-driven decisions regarding product development, service offerings, and overall customer experience strategies.
  • Proactive Problem Solving: AI can analyze customer sentiment and identify potential issues before they escalate. This allows businesses to proactively address concerns and prevent customer churn.
  • Improved Agent Training: AI can analyze customer interactions and identify areas where agents need additional training. This data can be used to create targeted training programs that improve agent effectiveness.

Some AI Customer Support Software Types:

AI has become a powerful tool in customer service, offering benefits like automated tasks, 24/7 support, and improved efficiency. Here’s a look at the different ways AI Customer Support Software is being used:

AI-powered Chatbots:

These chatbots are increasingly common, acting as the first line of defense for customer support. They can:

  • Learn and Adapt: Continuously improve through past interactions, using natural language processing (NLP) to understand customer queries and respond naturally.
  • Handle Common Inquiries: Provide immediate answers to frequently asked questions, freeing up human agents for more complex issues.
  • 24/7 Availability: Offer support around the clock, regardless of time zone or agent availability.

Automated Tasks & Workflows:

AI Customer Support Software can streamline the customer service process by automating repetitive tasks:

  • Data Entry and Ticketing: Automatically extract information from customer inquiries and create tickets, reducing errors and speeding up resolution.
  • Task Management: Based on the specifics of the problem, AI can intelligently route inquiries to the most qualified agent, thereby optimizing workflow.
  • Personalized Recommendations: Analyze customer data to suggest relevant products or services, enhancing the customer experience.

AI-powered Writing Assistants:

Large language models (LLMs) are transforming customer communication:

  • Drafting Responses: AI can analyze knowledge base articles and past tickets to draft responses that agents can review and personalize.
  • Multilingual Support: Translate customer inquiries and agent responses into different languages, enabling broader customer reach.
  • Content Personalization: AI can tailor responses to individual customer needs and communication styles, creating a more human touch.

Sentiment Analysis and Predictive Maintenance:

AI Customer Support Software can analyze customer interactions to understand their emotions:

  • Identify Dissatisfied Customers: By analyzing customer sentiment in chats, emails, and social media, AI can flag frustrated customers for priority attention.
  • Proactive Support: Analyze customer data to predict potential issues and proactively offer solutions before problems arise.

Virtual Customer Assistants:

Beyond chatbots, AI can power virtual assistants that offer a more immersive experience:

  • Interactive Troubleshooting: Use AI-powered simulations to guide customers through troubleshooting steps visually.
  • Augmented Reality Support: Combine virtual assistants with AR technology to allow agents to see what customers see, facilitating remote assistance.

Freshdesk – AI Customer Support Software

Freshdesk AI
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Freshdesk is a cloud-based AI tool for customer service that equips teams with the tools to manage inquiries, automate tasks, and provide real-time customer engagement. It supports multiple communication channels, including popular messaging apps and online communities.

Key Features:

  • Ticketing and Workflow Automation: Streamline support processes with a centralized system for managing tickets, assigning tasks, and automating repetitive actions.
  • Omnichannel Communication: Reach out to customers on the channels that they prefer, including WhatsApp, online social media, SMS, etc.
  • AI-powered Agent Assist (Freddy AI): Leverage machine learning for faster resolutions. Freddy suggests relevant responses, prioritizes tickets, and analyzes sentiment to improve support efficiency.
  • Real-time Engagement: Offer instant support through AI customer support chatbot that can answer common questions, perform actions like order tracking, and provide self-service options.
  • Intelligent Routing: Use AI to automatically assign tickets and chats to the most appropriate agents based on the context of the inquiry.


  • Freshdesk offers a free trial and a free plan with basic features.
  • Premium plans start at $15/agent/month. AI features like Freddy AI are available as add-ons, and their availability may vary depending on the chosen plan.

Zendesk – AI Customer Support Software

Zendesk AI
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Zendesk is an AI customer support chatbot that helps you streamline support operations. It offers a unified interface for managing all customer interactions, history, and inquiries, allowing teams to effectively track, prioritize, and resolve issues.

Key Features:

  • Effortless Support: Track, prioritize, and resolve customer issues all in one place.
  • Smarter Routing: AI gets your questions to the right expert fast, so you don’t waste time on hold.
  • Instant Answers: Zendesk’s Answer Bot uses machine learning to find answers to customer questions in seconds, freeing up your agents for more complex issues.
  • Predict Customer Needs: Use AI insights to understand your customers better and take proactive steps to keep them happy.


  • Free trial available
  • Paid plans with core features start at $115 per agent, per month
  • Advanced AI features require an additional $50 per agent, per month (Note: Consider mentioning that pricing may vary depending on specific needs and the number of agents.)

Tidio AI – AI Customer Support Software

Tidio Lyro AI
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Tidio AI is a powerful toolkit built into Tidio’s AI customer service software. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) to make support processes smoother, especially for small and medium businesses (SMBs).

Key Features:

  • Lyro, the AI Chatbot: This friendly bot uses AI and natural language processing to have real conversations with your customers. It can answer common questions using your website’s knowledge base and even learn over time!
  • Focus on What Matters: Lyro handles up to 70% of routine questions, freeing up your team for more complex issues. Plus, it can chat with multiple customers at once during busy periods.
  • Natural Conversations: Thanks to AI Phrase Matcher, Lyro’s responses go beyond simple presets, creating a more natural flow in conversations.
  • Smarter Support: Tidio AI helps your human agents too. Features like Reply Assistant, Customer Intent, and Smart Views make responses consistent, prioritize conversations, and highlight urgent chats.


Tidio offers a variety of plans to fit your needs, with a free tier included:

  • Free: Perfect for getting started with basic features.
  • Starter ($29/month): Ideal for growing businesses, with increased chat interactions and chatbot triggers.
  • Communicator ($25/month per seat): Great for teams, offering all the features of Starter plus more per agent.
  • Chatbots (Starting at $29/month): Unlock advanced chatbot functionalities with this dedicated plan.
  • Tidio+ (Starting at $394/month): The most comprehensive plan for large-scale needs.

Hiver  – AI Customer Support Software

Hiver AI
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Hiver is an AI for customer support software that makes helping your customers a breeze. It works right within your Gmail inbox, so you can manage email, chat, phone calls, and WhatsApp conversations – all in one familiar place.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered by Harvey: Harvey, Hiver’s smart assistant, uses artificial intelligence to understand your customer conversations. This means faster response times, happier customers, and less busy work for your team.
  • Seamless Gmail Integration: No need to learn a new system! Hiver works seamlessly with Gmail, so your team can get started quickly.
  • Smart Response Suggestions: Harvey analyzes customer messages and recommends the perfect pre-written response, saving you time and ensuring consistent, high-quality customer service.
  • Never Miss a Beat: Harvey can automatically close out simple “thank you” messages, keeping your inbox organized and helping you focus on important issues.
  • Always Learning: Harvey gets smarter over time by learning from your team’s actions. This ensures it continues to offer the best possible service.


Hiver offers a free 7-day trial, so you can try it out before you buy. They have three paid plans:

  • Lite: $15/user/month (good for basic needs)
  • Pro: $49/user/month (includes more features and automation)
  • Elite: $79/user/month (includes Harvey, the AI assistant)

HubSpot – AI Customer Support Software

Hubspot AI Customer Service
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HubSpot is an all-in-one CRM platform designed to help your business build better relationships with your customers. It does more than just store contact information; it also includes powerful features that streamline interactions and increase customer satisfaction.

Key Features:

  • AI-powered Chatbots: Never miss a lead or question again. HubSpot’s smart chatbots can answer customer inquiries 24/7, qualify leads, and schedule meetings, freeing up your team’s time for closing deals. Plus, they learn and adapt over time to deliver personalized experiences.
  • Smarter Support: Get your customers to the right solution faster. HubSpot uses AI to route support tickets to the most qualified agent and automatically generates knowledge base articles from your existing content, empowering customers to find answers on their own.
  • Uncover Customer Insights: Gain valuable feedback and understand your customers better. HubSpot analyzes customer interactions to identify trends and sentiment, helping you tailor your approach and improve satisfaction.


  • HubSpot CRM offers a free plan to get you started.  For access to their advanced AI features, contact HubSpot for a personalized quote.

Choose The Right AI Customer Support Software:

When selecting an AI customer service tool, consider these key factors:

  • Features: Does the tool offer functionalities that meet your goals, like chatbots, ticket routing, or sentiment analysis?
  • Integration: Can it seamlessly connect with your current software or fit within your planned system?
  • Scalability: Will the tool adapt to your growing customer base and support team needs?
  • Cost: Compare pricing models (subscriptions, setup fees, etc.) to find the best value.
  • Support and Training: Does the platform offer resources to help you use the tool effectively?
  • Customer Needs: Ensure the tool aligns with your support goals, whether it’s simplifying the customer journey, reducing costs, or speeding up service.

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