by Ngoc
January 1, 2022

WordPress Admin Login: How To Find, Change, & Fix It Issues

Beginner WordPress users have a difficult time logging into their accounts. Therefore, ArrowTheme will explain How to find, and change WordPress admin login as well as fix its issues quickly in this article. Don’t need to wait anymore, Let us begin right now.

Importance of the WordPress Admin Login

After installing WordPress, you will get access to the admin dashboard of your website where you can configure your site and make a few changes. 

This can be impossible if you do not have access to the administration pages. The login page is what prevents you—and others—from trying to access the administration “side” of your WordPress site.

It is impossible to take full control of your site/blog if you do not have access to the admin area.

But where can find this WordPress login page?

How to find the WordPress admin login URL?

It’s probably easier than you think to find the WordPress login page. Adding /admin/ (e.g., or /login/ (e.g., to the end of your website’s URL will take you to the login page.

Normally, these two should take you directly to your WordPress login page. If this does not work, you can access your login page by adding /wp-login.php/ to the end of the URL, as shown here:

How to find the WordPress Login URL on a Subdirectory or Subdomain?

All of this is valid for both a standard and a new WordPress installation. However, it’s possible that you installed WordPress on a subdirectory of your domain like:

or on a WordPress subdomain like

If that’s the case, you need to append one of the mentioned paths right after the closing slash. For example, the / symbol, to get something like this: 


Any of them should take you to your WordPress login page, regardless of which one you’re using. Make a note of your preferred URL in case you don’t want to forget about it.

Moreover, there is a “Remember Me” option in the WordPress login form. Thanks to it, you can stay logged in and access the WordPress admin login dashboard for a few days without having to log in again (depending on how your cookies are configured):

Logging in via the WordPress login page is an important but simple task. You need your email address/username and password if nothing wrong or harmful is occurring on your site.

That’s it. Unfortunately, bad guys are everywhere, and your website may become a target.

So, what can you do to discourage them?

At the very least, let’s move the login page!

How to change the WordPress Login Page?

Change the WordPress Login Page with a plugin

The most common and simplest method to change your WordPress login URL page is using a free plugin like WPS Hide Login, which has over 1,000,000 active users.

This plugin is very light, and more importantly. Furthermore, it does not modify any core files or add rewrite rules. Requests are simply intercepted. It also works with BuddyPress, bbPress, the Limit Login Attempts plugin, and the User Switching plugin.

All you have to do after you’ve downloaded and activated is:

STEP 1: From the Settings tab in your right-hand sidebar, click WPS Hide Login.

STEP 2: Fill in the Login URL field with your new Login URL path.

STEP 3: In the Redirection URL, enter a specific redirect URL. This page will be displayed if a user attempts to access the standard wp-login.php page or the wp-admin directory while not logged in.

STEP 4: Click the Save Changes button.

Perfmatters was developed by one of the Kinsta team members. It is another premium plugin you can use for changing your login URL. Well, security is a multi-layered game in which the quality of your hosting is crucial.

The more tools, tricks, and walls you have in location, the more difficult it will be for the bad guys to break into and take control of your site.

Changing your login URL can also aid in the prevention of common WordPress errors such as “429 Too Many Requests.” This is usually generated by the server when the user sends too many requests in a rate-limiting time.

Change the WordPress Login Page by editing your .htaccess file

Editing your .htaccess file is another more technical method for changing or hiding the WordPress login page URL.

The main purpose of the .htaccess file is to configure rules and system-wide settings. Because we’re discussing hiding the login page,.htaccess can do so in two ways.

Firstly, it is about password-protecting your login page with a.htpasswd file. Therefore, people accessing your login page are required to enter a password before proceeding. 

To password-protect your entire site, you can use our htpasswd tool. Furthermore, contact our support team to restrict access to only your login page.

Secondly, it is to restrict access to your login page to a list of trusted IP addresses.

Limiting login attempts

Limiting the number of login attempts is another effective security measure.

You can also use a free plugin like Limit Login Attempts Reloaded.

The plugin’s options are pretty simple.

  • Total Lockouts: displays the number of hackers who attempted but failed to gain access.
  • Allowed Retries: the number of attempts an IP address is permitted to make before being blocked.

The most common number of retries is probably between 4 and 6. It enables real humans who are supposed to have access to make mistakes, realize they’ve entered the wrong password, and correct their errors.

It’s critical to set it to the two points mentioned above, especially if you have frequent guest bloggers or several contributing staff members in charge of managing your site.

  • Minutes lockout: the length of time an IP address will be locked out.

You might want to set it to “forever”. However, it isn’t helpful for people who make genuine mistakes. Moreover, you want those to be able to re-enter at some point. 20-30 minutes should be enough.

  • Lockouts become more common: if it’s a Brute Force Attack, it’ll most likely return.
  • Hours until retries: how long until everything is reset and people can try again?

You can also handle your whitelist, blacklist, and trusted IPs with the plugin.

How to fix the most common issues with the WordPress Login?

Logging into your WordPress site is a simple process. However, some users—including you?—may have faced difficulty when attempting to access their WordPress site.

Such problems typically fall into one of the following categories:

  • Password-related problems
  • Issues with cookies

Let’s take a look at both and see how we can solve them!

WordPress Admin Login: Password Lost/Forgot

If you are unable to log in, you may have an issue with your login information.

So you have to double-check that the username and password that you’re typing in are correct. It’s a common error made by most of us.

Was it successful? If not, you should change your WordPress password before attempting anything else. To do so, go to the login form and click the Lost password. 

Therefore, you will go to a page where you will be asked for your username/email and a new password will be emailed to you

Manually reset WordPress Password with phpMyAdmin

If this does not work, everything will become a little more complicated. Because you need to perform a manual password reset. So please do not attempt this in case you are not able to work with database files.

You can manually reset your WordPress login password by editing the password file in your database. This shouldn’t be difficult if you have access to phpMyAdmin through your host.

However, before making any changes to database files, you have to always back up your site if errors happen.

STEP 1: Log in to phpMyAdmin now. 

STEP 2: Select your database on the left-hand side. Then, choose the wp users table. Then, next to the user login you want to reset, click “Edit”

STEP 3: Enter a new password in the user pass column > Click MD5 from the Function drop-down menu > press the “Go” button.

STEP 4: On your login screen, try out the new password.

Manually reset WordPress Password with WP-CLI

You can use WP-CLI to reset your WordPress password. WP-CLI is a command-line tool for developers. It allows them to manage common tasks in a WordPress installation.

STEP 1: Run the following command to get a list of all the current users in your WordPress installation.

$ wp user list

STEP 2: Using the following command, user ID, and desired password, update the user password.

$ wp user update 1 --user_pass=strongpasswordgoeshere

STEP 3: Put the new password to the test on your login screen.

WordPress Login: Cookies

You may be unable to log in in some cases due to cookie-related issues. If this is the case, you will usually encounter the following error:

Error: Cookies have been disabled or are not supported by your browser. To use WordPress, you must enable cookies.

If they are disabled or not functioning properly, you will most likely encounter issues on the login page. The first thing to do is make sure your browser is set to accept cookies:

  • Google Chrome Cookies
  • Mozilla Firefox cookies
  • Internet Explorer cookies
  • Safari cookies

This is common on WordPress sites which have recently been migrated as well as on WordPress Multisite sites. Furthermore, easily refreshing your browser and attempting to log in again will pass this error.

How to remember the WordPress Login Page?

If you have trouble remembering your WordPress login link, you should use a bookmark to the bookmark bar of your browser.

Moreover, you also can include a link to your WordPress login page in your website’s footer, sidebar, or menu. There are two simple ways to accomplish this

  • The first option is to include a link to your WordPress login page in your menus. Go to Appearance > Menus in your WordPress admin login. Then, expand the Link tab and enter your WordPress login link and text. When finished, click the Add to Menu button to insert this link to your menu > click the Save Menu.
  • The second option is using the default Meta widget. This widget includes a link to the login page, and RSS feed links, as well as a link to the website. Go to Appearance > Widgets and drag the meta widget into the sidebar or widget-ready area of your website. In case you don’t want to use the Meta widget. So you can also use the Menu widget here. You also can include a WordPress login link in your theme’s footer, sidebar, or any other widget-ready area.

Use Remember Me to bypass the Login Page in WordPress

There is a checkbox Remember Me on the WordPress login page. So when you check this box before logging in, you can directly access the WordPress admin login without logging in for 14 days or until your browser’s cookie settings expire.

If you often forget to check the ‘Remember me’ box during login, you can install the Always Remember Me plugin. So every time you log in to WordPress, it will automatically check the remember me checkbox.

How to add a Custom WordPress Login Form in WordPress?

If you have several users on your WordPress site, you should include the WordPress login form in your sidebar. Besides that, you also can create a custom login page that matches the design and theme of your site.

There are several ways to accomplish this. However, we recommend using the Theme My Login plugin.

It has a sidebar login widget as well as the ability to create custom login pages. Simply place the widget in the sidebar of your website. Therefore, it will showcase a login form.

You can use WPForms to create your custom login forms. This is the best WordPress contact form plugin. Because it enables you to create login forms and place them anywhere on your website with ease.


Your WordPress admin login page is the gateway for accessing your site. If you are unable to successfully log in, you are simply a site visitor. That is the reason why you should learn how to get to this important page. As a result, you won’t waste time logging in to your WordPress site anymore. So if you want to explore more, fill out your information in this CONTACT FORM. The support team of ArrowTheme is ready to help you with any cases. 

Furthermore, our WordPress CMS Website Packages are ready for you to choose for your Ecommerce business. We are pleased to offer high-quality services at reasonable prices in a convenient package. 4 different packages which include Single Landing Page, Basic, Standard, and Advance are ready for you. So let’s catch this chance right now.

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