by admin
February 16, 2022

How to set up Google analytics for ecommerce tracking in Woocommerce

As you may know, you will have access to a number of automatic features if you use the WooCommerce Google Analytics plugin. For more details, price estimates, cart tracking, etc are just a few of the features available. In this post, Arrowtheme will let you know the most straightforward way to set up Google analytics for ecommerce tracking in Woocommerce in some simple steps. Let’s explore with us right now!

Benefits of setting up Woocommerce Google Analytics 

You can use the free version to answer issues regarding your online store that have been bothering you, such as:

  • First and foremost, Search Insights: What are your clients looking for on the internet that leads them to your website?
  • Secondly, in terms of Channel data: What source do your visitors come from? Social media, email, search or ad clicks.
  • Thirdly, you can easily understand your customers: Are people who purchase X product more likely than those who purchase Y product to purchase a complimentary product? 
  • Finally is the Sales funnel: Customers are eliminating various things from their shopping carts, according to the sales funnel. What steps can you take to boost your conversion rate and sales? 

However, a Pro Version is the best choice if your store requires more advanced ecommerce tracking functionality, including:

  • Firstly, tracking user IDs for more precise user counts.
  • Besides, tracking advanced eCommerce events such as: coupon additions and removals, cart page views, and so much more.
  • Moreover, checkout behavior reports easily.
  • Tracking of refunds and cancellations.

Universal Analytics and Enhanced eCommerce Analytics are used by both plugins to track basic user data, pageviews, sessions, and events, as well as basic eCommerce data. 

>>> Additional post: How to offer free shipping on Shopify to boost your sales?

What are ecommerce metrics you should track in Google Analytics?

1. Sales conversion rate

This metric lets you know how much of the traffic on your website turns to sales? In fact, the percentage of visitors to your website that make a purchase is measured by the sales conversion rate. Besides, conversion rate analysis offers you a better picture of how your marketing, site design, paid advertising, and other initiatives translate into sales. Moreover, you may track your conversion rate throughout the entire website, for certain pages, or for specific campaigns. 

2. Customer acquisition cost 

As you may know, the more customers you get, the more money you’ll make. However, while improving conversion rates will increase revenue, you must also consider cost. If the cost of acquiring a consumer exceeds the amount they will spend in your store, your accounts will be in the red. That is the reason why keeping track of your customer acquisition expenditures is extremely crucial. The cost per acquisition is the ratio of total marketing spend to the number of new or first-time customers. For instance, your CAC is $50 if you spend $500 to acquire ten new clients. What’s more, losing money to obtain a new customer should be avoided by most ecommerce businesses. In winner-take-all marketplaces, it’s also sometimes appropriate for businesses to lose money on client acquisition in order to develop faster, although this is unlikely to be the case for most e-commerce stores. 

3. Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value

Customer lifetime value (CLV) estimates the amount of revenue a customer will bring into your firm over the course of their relationship with you. Specifically, your customer LTV is $200 if your average client spends $50 and makes four purchases over two years. Plus, although true LTV requires a significant quantity of historical data, Woocommerce Google Analytics may forecast your LTV. This is based on other variables such as revenue per user, sessions per user, and goal completion per user. Furthermore, it’s crucial to keep track of your LTV in connection to your CAC. In case you spend $50 to gain a new customer but only have a $25 LTV, your business will not be able to sustain itself. 

4. Average order value

Do you know how much a consumer will spend on average each time they make a purchase from you? The fact that you might be able to predict which products will be purchased frequently. However, understanding the order value of new sales is an excellent metric for any size store because it is one of the easiest to track and affect. Best of all, you can obtain a full view of AOV in GA if you enable ecommerce monitoring. Moreover, for all ecommerce businesses, increasing AOV is a top priority. Boosting average order value and improving your CAC:LTV ratio is a simple technique to enhance LTV and improve your CAC:LTV ratio.

5. Cart abandonment

There are a variety of reasons why online buyers abandon their carts before making a purchase, and not all of them are under your control. This number indicates that you attracted people’s interest in your products and did everything perfectly, yet you still lost money. Hence, you should track information about abandoned carts, such as your abandonment rate and where customers leave your funnel. As a result, it may help you improve your site and determine when and how to run remarketing ads or send abandoned cart emails to help you recoup lost revenue.

>>> Read more: How to get more sales on Shopify store quickly

How to set up Woocommerce Google Analytics for ecommerce?

Step 1: Install a free WooCommerce Google Analytics plugin

To begin, you must choose a free WooCommerce Google Analytics plugin for your WooCommerce website. 

On the checkout page, you will be provided a link to download the plugin zip file after downloading the plugin.

Woocommerce Google Analytics

Then, it is time to install the plugin on your WooCommerce store after you have downloaded the zip file. After that, you must click Plugins and then Add New from your WooCommerce Dashboard.

set up Woocommerce Google Analytics

Now, you will be able to open your WooCommerce Google Analytics zip file by clicking Upload Plugin and then Choose File. To continue, you must click the Install now button and then Active Plugin

how to set up Woocommerce Google Analytics

After completing the above steps, you will find that you can access WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration Settings from your WooCommerce Dashboard. 

How to set up Google analytics for ecommerce

You should now be able to input your Google Analytics ID. Moreover, from your WooCommerce Dashboard, you must go to WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration Settings, then Google Analytics.

Google analytics in Woocommerce

Step 2: Fetching your Google Analytics ID

At this stage, you will need to open a new tab in your browser and go to to get your Google Analytics ID. 

Fetching your Google Analytics ID

As soon as you arrive at the website, you need to select Create Account. In fact, the account setup process is quite simple. 

create account

You will be able to copy and paste the tracking ID as indicated below once your account has been created: 

way to set up Google analytics

Moreover, keep in mind that the tracking code given under “Global Site” will not require any action on your part. After that, you must paste your tracking code into the Google Analytics ID box on WooCommerce, then click the Save Changes button.

Google analytics plugins

Step 3: Completing ecommerce settings

At this step, before leaving, you must select Ecommerce Settings from the gear menu in the bottom left corner of your screen. 

Completing ecommerce settings

When you select the Save Changes button, let’s make sure you choose Enable Ecommerce and Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting under Ecommerce Settings.

Completing ecommerce settings dashboard

Step 4: Configure the Google Analytics Plugin Settings

Now, you will want to set your domain primary after returning to the Google Analytics Plugin Settings page from your WooCommerce Dashboard. Besides, you can also see the list of Tracking Options as below, which we highly recommend you check if you aren’t currently utilizing a third-party Google Analytics plugin. 

Configure the Google Analytics Plugin Settings

You will also want to tick Enable Enhanced eCommerce after finishing setting up, in addition to the Tracking Options as above. 

Enable Enhanced eCommerce

Step 5. Testing

Additionally, to make sure installation and setup were successful, you must go back to your Google Analytics account and click on the Realtime button, then Overview


Let’s see the screenshot above, there is only one active user on my site, which is essentially a different tab on my desktop. Plus, if you go through a test transaction, you will find that Google Analytics keeps track of customer activity, which you can see by going to Conversions, Ecommerce and then Overview in your Google Analytics dashboard. 

overview Woocommerce google analytics

Alternatively, bear in mind that a full readout of Google Analytics findings in your dashboard may take up to 24 hours to appear. Furthermore, graphs and data such as average order price, number of transactions, and total income will be available after a day. 

Google Analytics findings in your dashboard

How to add a user to Woocommerce Google Analytics?

To begin, you have to go to your Google Analytics account and then, click the Admin section.

How to add a user to Woocommerce Google Analytics

Then, you must click Account User Management to proceed.

Account User Management

After that, in the top right-hand corner, you need to click the Add users button.

add users

In the final stage, you must click Add after entering the user’s email address.

add a user to Woocommerce Google Analytics

Wrapping up

To sum up, as you can see, setting up Woocommerce Google Analytics for your ecommerce site is quite straightforward. Specifically, it just takes roughly some minutes to connect a new website to Google Analytics and start receiving useful analytics for your store. However, in case you have any problem that can’t connect it successfully, let’s ask Arrowtheme for help. Not only this topic, but also anything, our Woocommerce packages with the help of our experts will all solve it for you quickly. For more details, please leave your information on our CONTACT FORM to be contacted as soon as possible. 

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