by admin
January 1, 2022

How to increase sales on Shopify: low-cost strategies and grow your business significantly

For any Shopify store owners, how to increase sales on Shopify is always challenging. They find it difficult to achieve the target revenue. It may result from losing direction of strategies. So, you should research more about the marketing strategies in the eCommerce platforms to select the most effective ones. If you have a limited budget, do not worry. Arrowtheme will suggest to you the 9 ideas to grow your business at a low cost.

1. How to increase sales on shopify: Upselling products

Firstly, upselling is one of the most effective ways to increase sales significantly. So, do you know what is upselling? It is a sales technique to persuade customers to spend more by buying an upgrade or premium version of products. For example, when your customer looks for a computer, you can recommend them to buy another with a higher price and more functions.
You may worry that customers may be annoyed about the higher price. However, in some cases, customers do not know the availability of a product. Besides, you should offer enough value for customers to have a higher purchase. In addition, when you apply this strategy, note that you should not upsell the product at a quite high price. It is recommended that 25% is the maximum percentage of price change for upselling. Therefore, customers won’t feel so afraid of the price.

How to increase sales on shopify
Upselling example

Furthermore, you can combine upselling products with a Shopify discount app. For example, instead of buying this computer at $290, customers can buy another at $330 with more functions and discounts for orders more than $300.

2. Cross-sell products

Secondly, have you ever known cross-selling strategy? Cross-selling is to sell related or complementary products/services to the same customer. For example, fast food restaurant often offers customers a combination of a hamburger and a potato chip. In some cases, many people can not differ between cross-selling and upselling concepts. It can be explained easily with the example below.

How to increase sales on shopify
Upsell and Cross-sell

In eCommerce platforms, cross-selling is considered an effective way to increase sales revenue during marketing campaigns or daily checkout. So many store owners apply this idea to create bundle products. In addition, you can display a comparison between a bundle product and a single product to attract customers. You can refer to an Upsell & Cross-Sell Shopify App to adopt this strategy more efficiently.

3. Optimize the mobile devices

Mobile devices become more popular all over the world. So the number of mobile users is increasing dramatically. As a result, many Shopify owners should focus on optimizing mobile devices to attract more visitors. Optimizing store for mobile includes your store compatibility with mobile. However, it is more. You should design and create a wonderful store in mobile as smooth as your website.

Optimize mobile devices
Optimize mobile devices

For example, on the website, you have many rooms for texts and displaying. Nevertheless, the mobile screen is not large enough for you to show all the detail as ones on the website. You should edit the text and relocate the images to suit the screen of mobiles.
In addition, the add-to-cart button on the website seems to be smaller when showing on the mobile screen. Also, this button is often put at the bottom of the pages. So this may waste time for shoppers to scroll down. Hence, you should place this button on all the pages for the convenience of users. To gain some suggestions, you can read “5 tips for mobile design optimization”.

4. How to increase sales on shopify: Use push notifications

As you can know, many stores fail to gain revenue because of cart abandonments. This problem occurs for many reasons such as a slow checkout, an additional shipping fee, waiting for a discount, and so on. It is surprising that the cart abandonment rate reached nearly 80% in 2018. So, it is a pity if you can’t recover these cart abandonments. Fortunately, there is an easy way to improve this situation. It is to use push notifications.
Push notifications are short in-apps or web-based pop-up messages. They can be used to update the new version, offer promotions and remind important messages. The key idea of sending push notifications is to provide users with more value and keep them engaged. If you want to implement push notifications in Flutter, you can refer to this article.

Push notification
Push notification

So how to use push notifications to boost sales? There are some tips for you to apply this method.

  • Send notifications at the right time: Right time means you do not annoy the customers, especially the bedtime. It is very important to know the psychological of customers to define a suitable time.
  • Encourage customers by offering value: When you send customers a notification, make sure that it is attractive enough. For example, you can use push notifications to offer them a discount with their abandoned cart.
  • Don’t overuse push notifications: Customers may feel angry if you send them notifications every time. It will waste their time and they are likely to turn off your voice. So you should utilize the notifications more effectively.
  • Allow customers to choose: You should ask customers’agreement before sending them notifications. It will express your respect to them.

5. Integrate with Social Media (Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook)

Nowadays, social media are developing dramatically with unlimited potential. So you can utilize social media to develop your eCommerce site. It is recommended that you should integrate your store with Instagram and Facebook.
Instagram is a social app which attracts more than 500 million active users each day. You can create an Instagram feed to display appealing photos and use hashtags to optimize your post. Instagram helps you get closer to users and engages with them. As well as Instagram, Facebook is also an attractive platform for you to find potential customers. You can integrate with Instagram and Facebook to reach more users and make your brand more popular.

Integrate with Instagram
Integrate with Instagram

There are some tips to utilize Instagram and Facebook to boost sales.

  • Allow customers to share their wishlists in your store via Instagram, Facebook
  • Partnership with influencers: If your customers are mainly young, connecting with influencers to introduce your products will bring dramatic sales.
  • Encourage interactions: You can create a competition, a discussion or a giveaway to get closer to your customers.
  • Diversify types of posts: Besides images, you can create short videos, boomerangs, stories to reach more groups of customers.

6. How to increase sales on shopify: Improve your email campaigns

Email marketing is one of the most popular ways for you to gain more sales on Shopify. Through emails campaigns, you can communicate and engage with customers. So building an effective emails campaigns plan is very important. You should prepare the content and design of emails before sending them to your customers.

Email marketing
Email marketing

Here are some suggestions for you to implement a successful email marketing campaign.

  • Send an email to welcome new visitors and give them a small gift
  • Offer discounts code for their cart abandonment
  • Notify them of your promotions
  • Send them emails with high-quality content: reviews, sharing, tips
  • Always say “thank you” after purchases finished
  • Ask customers for feedback
  • Measure the effectiveness through figures
  • Increase database

7. Display Social Proof (Reviews, Numbers, Trust icons, Testimonials, Case study)

Nearly 90% of online shoppers said that they will read other’s reviews about a product before making a purchase. For example, it is common to check other’s comments about the shirt you plan to buy. To be detailed, social proof and reviews illustrate how people react to your products and services. So, good reviews can gain the trust of customers. From that, your sales will increase too. Furthermore, you can create a small community for your products to share the feelings. The bigger the community is, the more trusted your brand is.

How to increase sales on shopify
Social Proof

There are some recommendations to help you gain more sales from this strategy.

  • Display social proof on your website
  • Encourage customers to read reviews by giving them discounts
  • Combine social proof with numbers
  • Show the verification by reliable partners

8. Live chat support

Unlike physical stores where sales staff can interact directly with shoppers, on Shopify, customers seem to be alone in their purchasing journey. Therefore, a live chat was born to help store owners to support customers.
Live chat is an online communication tool that allows your staff to chat with visitors in real-time. If phone calls seem complicated and emails are too slow, live chat is a great option. Live chat helps you to say welcome to new visitors, offer support and personalize experiences.

Live chat support
Live chat support

So, live chat can bring to you many advantages such as higher conversion rates, increase sales, stronger relationships with their customers and higher customer satisfaction. You can refer to Shopify live chat apps for more information.

9. Create an attractive landing page

As you know, a landing page is the first impression of visitors about your store. So making a high-converted page is very important. There are 3 main factors affecting a landing page including loading speed, poor design and invisible call-to-action buttons.

Landing page
Landing page

Here is some advice for you to create an appealing landing page.

  • Eye-catching add-to-cart buttons
  • Visible Call-to-action
  • Attractive headlines
  • Beautiful images
  • Address customers’paint point
  • Display social proof such as reviews, ratings, and so on

Besides, instead of doing it by yourself, it is better to use a third-party theme to own an effective landing page. You can refer to our Shopify themes. Besides that, there is one more way to help you increase sales on Shopify. It is our Maintenance & Support Services. Don’t worry if your Ecommerce Website run unstable. Because by using these Maintenance & Support Services, our experts will help you to improve the speed, functions, version,…. of your website. More importantly, you also save 30% off for annual subscriptionand 20% off for monthly subscription. With the lower cost to get the awesome services, what are you waiting for? Let’s CONTACT US to get the chance.

In conclusion, Arrowtheme has suggested to you how to increase sales on Shopify. You can combine more than 2 ideas above to implement. Also, you should consider your store situation to select the best options. Best wishes!

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