by admin
January 12, 2022

Why you need a WordPress maintenance plan for your website

With any WordPress website, after building it, it must be maintained, which includes security checks, monitoring, scheduled backups, and frequent updates. Then, the WordPress maintenance package comes in handy because it comes with everything you will need to keep your site safe and run smoothly. In particular, thanks to it, visitors to your website have the greatest possible experience and your business also achieves a lot of benefits. In this article, Arrowtheme will let you know the main reasons why your website needs a WordPress maintenance plan. Hence, let’s explore with us right now! 

Wordpress maintenance package

What is a WordPress maintenance package?

When it comes to a WordPress maintenance package, it is a service that comes with everything you will surely need to keep your WordPress website always running smoothly. In fact, what is included with this service varies from business to provider, but a worth-using WordPress maintenance subscription should include the features listed below:


  • Security: A security plugin and website monitoring for any efforts to compromise your website’s security.
  • Malware scanning: In terms of malware scanning, it will identify and remove malware from your website. 
  • Regular backups: Coming to this feature, your WordPress website will be backed up on a regular basis and can be simply restored.
  • Uptime monitoring: This feature is responsible for checking to see if your website is up and reporting if it goes down on a regular basis. 
  • WordPress updates: It makes sure your site will always be installed with WordPress core updates as soon as they are released.
  • Plugin and theme updates: Updates to plugins and themes as they become available. 
  • Speed and performance optimization: Best of all, it will help you increase the speed of your website. 
  • Technical support: Making any necessary technical website updates and addressing any queries you may have regarding WordPress or your website. 
  • Fix broken links: This awesome feature of WordPress maintenance package will find and fix any links that lead to a page that is no longer available or is broken.
  • Testing environment: It also comes with the ability to generate a carbon copy of your website for testing.
  • Website review: WordPress maintenance package will evaluate your website’s utilization of installed plugins and themes. Besides, it also gives recommendations on how to improve their functionality and performance.
  • Training: Last but not least, it has video tutorials and one-on-one support to assist users with learning how to use WordPress and to answer any issues you may have regarding your website.
benefits of WordPress maintenance package

Why you need a WordPress maintenance plan for your website

1. Regular maintenance of your website is necessary

In case you don’t keep up with the security of your website and don’t update plugins and themes, your site will be at risk of being hacked. More crucially, even if your site is excellent, however, if you don’t update them, they can still be exposed to assault. In fact, security enhancements and bug fixes are frequently included in software updates. In short, maintaining your WordPress site is a need to ensure your site always works in the best condition. 

>>> Read more: How to display posts from a specific category in WordPress

2. Preventing your site from getting hacked

When a WordPress website is hacked, several things might happen. Following are the most typical negative outcomes that you should prevent at all costs: 

  • First and foremost, it is possible that your entire website will be deleted.
  • Secondly, in many cases, your URL will be routed to another website (often an inappropriate one).
  • Thirdly, advertisements that are spammy can be introduced into your WordPress website.
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In fact, any of the above can have a substantial negative impact on a company’s bottom line, therefore avoiding them is a must. Besides, if a WordPress website is hacked, it is usually due to outdated plugins or the lack of a security plugin with someone monitoring security risks.

3. You don’t need to know technical knowledge

In addition, while you may be able to tackle some of it on your own, many typical issues will necessitate some technical knowledge. 

  • First of all, backups don’t always work. Plus, if one is corrupted, you may be unable to recover your site.
  • Secondly, in many cases, if you are too busy with your business, you could forget to update your site. As a result, it can lead to it being hacked or displaying/ functioning poorly due to outdated plugins. 
  • Thirdly, running too many plugins will cause your site to load slowly, which will hurt your SEO and search rankings. 
  • Besides, you could make a mistake that causes your site to break, resulting in making you spend hours investigating the problem.
  • What’s more, even your website could be infected with malware without you even realizing it.
  • Plus, you may have multiple broken links on your site. As a result, it will cause a terrible user experience and you are not completely unaware of it. 

Best of all, all of the above will be handled for you by a WordPress maintenance package. Thanks to it, you don’t need to be worried about any unexpected problems on your site. 

4. Save you a lot of time with minimal effort

When it comes to the main reasons you need to use a WordPress maintenance plan for your website, saving lots of time and effort is the outstanding one you should consider. 

In fact, fixing bugs and errors on a WordPress site can waste too much time. Hence, it takes time to maintain a WordPress site on your own. More importantly, you may save yourself a lot of hassle and time by investing in a maintenance plan. Simply speaking, it is possible to free up time by delegating these crucial responsibilities to someone else. Thanks to it, you can move on with your day and concentrate on more essential things. 

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Save a lot of time with minimal effort

5. Enhance user experience

It’s vital for your WordPress maintenance provider to check everything on your website after performing software updates to ensure that everything is still working perfectly. Besides, there may be a bug once the software has been updated that has to be resolved. Furthermore, if the WordPress maintenance package you use doesn’t contain “bug repairs”, your website can have a bad experience owing to website problems like broken forms, slow loading speeds, and missing images, among other things.

6. Attract more audiences

In addition to ensuring that your website is secure and functional, depending on your field, you also need to refresh the material on your website on a regular basis to keep visitors engaged. For more details, it includes things like regularly publishing blog entries, adding gallery photographs and so much more. Overall, as you may know, users tend to prefer new and often updated websites since they appear more trustworthy. 

7. Your site will have an opportunity to appear higher on search engines

In terms of Google, it appreciates websites that have a quick page load time without technical issues. Luckily, both of these things are taken care of as part of a WordPress maintenance package. More importantly, it is also a good idea to keep your website’s content up to date frequently. This is because Google favors websites that are constantly updated with new stuff. 

8. Boost your brand image

Last but not least, thanks to WordPress maintenance plan, you can also increase the image of your brand. Specifically, if users try to access something on your website but are unable to do so, it will leave a negative impression of your company in their mind.  Typically, the error could be caused by a plugin, theme, server problem or anything else. However, you must bear in mind that the user won’t care, all they remember is that they tried to access something and failed. In fact, your website is a bridge between you and visitors. Plus, it is also your first opportunity to persuade them to become a paying customer. Hence, if your site not only owns an eye-catching interface but also has a perfect optimization, your brand awareness will be increased a lot. 

What includes in a WordPress maintenance package

Typically, WordPress maintenance packages are divided according to a weekly, biweekly, monthly or annually basis. Besides, it comprises the following action items:

  • Manage server
  • Update plugin and theme 
  • Fix bug
  • Optimize page loading speed
  • Monitor security
  • Keep track of Uptime
  • Backup regular off-site
  • Implement ongoing website work, training and support
What includes in a WordPress maintenance package

Essential components of a WordPress maintenance package

  • First of all, update all of your website’s software integrations including server, plugins, themes & core. In particular, at least once a month, about 10-20 various software integrations must be manually updated. More critically, things can quickly break down or get hacked if you don’t update all of the software integrations. 
  • Secondly, errors resulting from software updates should be fixed as soon as possible. However, things frequently break following a software update. Therefore, it’s critical to double-check each page of your website for mistakes and correct them quickly. 
  • What’s more, you need to keep an eye on the security of your website and take action if necessary. Plus, if you don’t act quickly, your website could be deleted or redirected to an improper website. Even more seriously, it can be flooded with spamming adverts and so on.  
  • Finally, backup your WordPress website on a regular basis. In particular, you should have a backup file to restore your site in case it goes down or is hacked and you can’t fix it right away. Usually, most people tend not to need their backups, but when something goes wrong, it will be extremely useful.

>>> Additional post: Proven ways to stop contact form spam in WordPress

Is the WordPress maintenance package cheap right?

When you outsource WordPress maintenance to WordPress professionals, you can rest certain that your website is in good hands and will continue to run at its best. Best of all, thanks to these packages, you shouldn’t be required to participate at any stage. 

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Additionally, the cost for wordpress monthly maintenance package varies greatly depending on the type of website you have established. However, generally, it is a rather low cost for most businesses. 

In addition, reducing the frequency of updates is a wonderful strategy you should know to reduce the monthly cost. If you are running a complicated website or one that receives a lot of traffic, it’s best to keep things updated regularly. However, with a small and simple website that receives little traffic, you just simply need monthly upgrades, resulting in a lower continuous expenditure. 

Think about choosing the WordPress maintenance package of Arrowtheme

Being one of the most reliable and reputable WordPress partners, Arrowtheme is completely proud of our WordPress Maintenance & Support package. Regardless of your requirements, even the most complex, we all give the best methods to make sure your WordPress website always works fluently without facing any error. 

Wordpress Maintenance & Support package

In particular, utilizing our packages at this time, you can subscribe to wordpress monthly maintenance package to get off 20% and in particular, Annual package to get up to 30% off. Our expert support team can identify and fix any errors that are causing your website to run poorly, allowing you to boost its performance as well as possible. For more details about our WordPress maintenance plan, don’t hesitate to CONTACT US right away! 

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